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It's hard to keep up with the current news cycle, with the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump being pushed out of the news by Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the... More
Making Sense By Michael Reagan “This isn't my father's Secret Service.” That’s what I immediately tweeted in response to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Little did I know. Every day, drip by drip, we... More
My roommate and I are at war. She just doesn’t know it yet. There’s a speed-bump-sized lump of dust beneath our rug. If you spilled coffee on our tablecloth, it’d get cleaner. The dishes she... More
Tyrades! by Danny Tyree Somewhere over the years, karma gave me the finger. It all started with an incident in Mrs. Jones’s high school English class. Classmate Tracy Holder was unconsciously performing multiple animated hand... More
This summer, my wife and I took a vacation with our three semi-grown daughters to one of the most expensive places in America. No, we didn’t visit our local insurance office. We toured several beautiful... More
I grew up in Bethel Park, the middle-class suburb south of Pittsburgh where 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks lived with his parents. Crooks’ attempt to kill Donald Trump last weekend has filled my old neighborhood with... More
It is an old childhood truism that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” In the United States, where speech is protected with a constitutional and social ferocity like... More
We're only now beginning to get cartoons about Donald Trump being shot at a political rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, but last week there were plenty of cartoons highlighting the divisive nature of our country... More
Making Sense By Michael Reagan Being far away from home in Iceland and Britain for the last two weeks was perfect timing. Just as President Biden was proving to the whole country that he’s incapable... More
Tyrades! by Danny Tyree Just because there are trained professionals dealing with the infrastructure, logistics and marketing of the Summer Olympics, it doesn’t let the rest of us off the hook. To fulfill our obligations... More
“If you could master any language in the world, what would it be?” “C++.” It’s a classic programming joke. The humor is ironic: language skills are less important than technological ones. Humor, I’m told, doesn’t... More
Last week, Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat , author of "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present," commented that “one of the most alarming things” about “Project 2025” is the blatant admission that Donald Trump did not accomplish everything... More
The most critical nexus in the free market is the transactions that occur when willing sellers and interested buyers meet. One does not usually look to the federal government to resolve concerns that the costs... More
As our country goes to pot, I find myself more focused on personal matters, such as this hopeful item I read on Researchers have identified a molecule called osteopontin, which is a potential game-changer... More
As I’ve done for every Fourth of July since the 1976 bicentennial, I settled down last week to watch my favorite patriotic movie: “1776.” The music is as familiar as it is delightful, the actors... More