Christine Flowers

Gun control advocates should be thrilled over Hunter Biden’s conviction
There is so much concern for the tender sensitivities of a former drug addict from Delaware. All my life, I have been told that “addiction is a disease” and that we cannot attack the people who are afflicted with it...
Alito dust-up has nothing to do with flags
I have never been married, nor do I have any children. I descend from a whole line of married people. I deeply admire married people, and I think that they tend to be among the happiest folks in the universe...
Take what Harrison Butker said in context
When Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered his commencement address at Benedictine College earlier this month, the outrage was primarily focused on his comments about a woman’s place in society...
Biden administration targeting pro-lifers with 1994 law
I wish I did more to advance the pro-life cause. But I’m not on the front lines, like the men and women who are risking their freedom, thanks to a politicized U. Justice Department...
In memory of her father, a life well lived and over too soon
This week, I don’t want to get political. Don’t worry, the outrage has no expiration date, and will be useful for another set of Sundays. But not this week...
Campus protests are just pale imitations of the 1960s
It seems silly to write a column about the recent college protests. And yet, here we are...
Two lawmakers who never agree on anything are taking a stand
John F.. I have always been fascinated with people who find within themselves the ability to defy expectations, anger their presumed allies and follow their own conscience...
NPR leader shows her true colors
John Paul II once stated that “there can be no rule of law … unless citizens and especially leaders are convinced that there is no freedom without truth...
OJ Simpson’s death is an opportunity for us all
I’m pretty sure that the number of people who are mourning the death of OJ Simpson can fit into the trunk of the smallest car Hertz ever rented. As a human being, I am repulsed by the fact that he treated women like a punching bag...
In tribute to the insight and longevity of Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem turned 90 years old last month. �� The thinking goes that unless you call yourself a feminist, people will send you back to the kitchen, forcibly impregnate you and hide your shoes. Gloria, however, is not...
Born in Baltimore and moved by the bridge disaster
I was born in Baltimore at the end of 1961. Both of them were down there on borrowed time: My father was finishing up his last year at the University of Maryland, College Park, and my mother found a job as a bank teller...
Entitled to more than a 20% tip or just entitlement mentality?
The other night, I took a friend out for her birthday at an upscale French restaurant. But even perfection has its tics. But this night, I had a problem. He disappeared...

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About Christine Flowers
Christine Flowers is a Philadelphian who loves the Eagles but can leave the cheesesteaks. She writes about anything that will likely annoy the majority of people, and in her spare time practices immigration law (which is bound to annoy at least some people.)
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