Dick Polman

Hunter Biden was found guilty. Guess what didn’t happen?
Hunter Biden, the president's son, was found guilty of illegally buying a gun while using narcotics. No demagogic puppets from Capitol Hill showed up to attack the rule of law or slime the judge and jury. No fuming about a courtroom “icebox...
MAGA movie pulled, but its lies have already done damage
Fifty years ago, the esteemed social critic Hannah Arendt said totalitarians thrive on lies, that they flood the zone with so much garbage a hefty share of the citizenry either surrenders in exhaustion or takes refuge in ignorance...
Are Americans so depraved they’ll put a convicted felon in power?
Before we ponder the big unanswerable question – is this country so sick that it’ll put a convicted felon in the White House? What we witnessed Thursday afternoon was an historic triumph for the rule of law...
Are we even remotely surprised ‘Birdbrain’ flew into the MAGA nest?
To best assess Nikki Haley’s decision to kiss Trump’s rear – big surprise, right? Papen was a prominent conservative German politician who helped pave the way for Adolf Hitler...
Sam Alito bets his flag flap gets flushed down the memory hole
MAGA troll Sam Alito, having signaled his solidarity with Donald Trump’s insurrectionists by flying (or allowing to have flown) an upside-down American flag at his home, is disgracing the U. Supreme Court with his mere presence...
Trump is okay with states monitoring women’s pregnancies
The criminal defendant’s so-called Restoration agenda is festooned with fascist goodies... 6 insurrection, and he’s threatening violence again if he loses this fall. Question: “You think (abortion) should be left to the states...
The dirty details Trump hid from the voters ahead of the 2016 election
Let’s contrast the candidates. Meanwhile, in Manhattan, lowlife Donald Trump stewed while the porn star he screwed dished the dirty details of what transpired while his third wife was home with a newborn...
The Supreme Court is goose-stepping for Trump in slow motion
Way back when I was a boy, the U. Supreme Court was so revered as an institution that my fourth-grade teacher required us to learn the names of all nine members...
Despite what Trump’s desperate criminal lawyer says, this is not normal journalism
Todd Blanche, who’s stuck with the hapless task of defending Donald Trump in criminal court, mouthed something in his opening statement that really pissed me off...
Rest in peace: Truth-teller Bob Graham, who defied Iraq war fever
How sad it is that few Americans have heard of Bob Graham, who died Tuesday at 87, because this guy was truly a profile in courage when we needed it most...
Trump’s abortion punt
An adjudicated rapist, who was recently held liable by a jury for physically invading a woman’s bodily autonomy, has now taken it upon himself to opine about how government can control women’s bodily autonomy...
Don’t compare Trump’s social media post to Kathy Griffin
The Bible salesman deemed it a Christian gesture last week to retweet some MAGA moron’s depiction of the president of the United States trussed like a turkey in the back of a manly pickup truck...

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About Dick Polman
Cited by the Columbia Journalism Review website as one of the nation's top political scribes, and by ABC News' online political tip sheet as "one of the finest political journalists of his generation, " Dick Polman is the national political columnist at Philadlephia NPR affiliate WHYY, and has covered or chronicled every presidential campaign since 1988. A Philadelphia resident, Dick roamed the country for most of his 22 years at The Philadelphia Inquirer. He has been blogging daily since 2006. He's currently on the full-time faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, as "Writer in Residence." He has been a frequent guest on C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, and various NPR shows - most notably Philadelphia's "Radio Times" on WHYY-FM.
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