Jase Graves

Rock on, and pass the Tylenol
Now that two of my daughters are away at college and the one still at home basically views me as an ATM in an unfashionable neighborhood, I’ve tried to find myself a hobby...
Requiem for Red Lobster
First, it was Toys "R" Us...
Outpatient decluttering
Because I’m a professional practitioner of the pedagogical arts (known in some parts as fancy book learnin’), I’m privileged to enjoy a Spring Break holiday that usually falls during the same week my semi-grown daughters are also out of school..
I got COVID when COVID wasn’t cool
Well, it finally happened. I got COVID! Then the headaches started, like my frontal lobe was hosting a rave party for Diet Coke and Mentos...
Becoming a Swiftie Dad, and other skills I’ve learned
Having raised three daughters, I’ve gained, in the words of Liam Neeson, “a very particular set of skills...
The world’s greatest inventions
A couple of days ago, I retrieved one (of about a hundred) of our family doglets’ chew bones from the seemingly unreachable chasm under my youngest and quietest daughter’s bed using an ingenious invention of my own making – namely a straighten..
When memory flails
Now that my age has surpassed the mid-century mark and I’m more ancient than virtually all professional athletes, everyone in my department at work, and even my pastor at church, I’ve noticed that the old memory is not what it used to .. Wait...
How I became a cat person
Disclaimer: No pets die in this column (but they sometimes smell like they did). “How did I reach this state? So do I. Unfortunately, I've never been a "cat person. Then there’s that special feline/surly teenager personality...
My New Year’s anti-resolutions
A few days ago, during one of those rare occasions when our whole family was together and my three semi-grown daughters weren’t nursing an iPhone while wearing universe-canceling headphones, my wife posed probably the most oft-asked question this ..
Haunted by the kids of Christmas past
Since two of my daughters are now in college and one is in high school, Christmas just “hits different”– as those crazy kids (and my not-so-secret, sort-of-but-not-really guilty pleasure, Taylor Swift) say these days...
Neighbors, start your Christmas lights!
Each year the weekend after Thanksgiving, I sense an innate urge to risk life, limb and public humiliation by festooning the exterior of our home with several hundred C9 incandescent lights...
Why do we fall for fall?
Yes, it’s that glorious season that so many pumpkin-spice addicts claim to be their favorite...

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About Jase Graves
Jase Graves is an award-winning humor columnist from East Texas. His columns have been featured in Texas Escapes magazine, The Shreveport Times, The Longview News Journal, and The Kilgore News Herald. He is also a frequent contributor to The Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop, which named him Writer of the Month for June of 2017, and he has served as a judge in the Erma Bombeck/Anna Lefler Humorist in Residence program. The National Society of Newspaper Columnists says, "Whether he's breaking down the common types of yard sale denizens ('The Lingerer . . .she was here so long, I'll probably be able to claim her on my next tax return') or sharing cautionary tales of mattress shopping, Jason flays suburban life with a sharp wit. Shopping for his daughter's swimsuits, he wonders if he has 'strayed into the first aid section and . . .was looking at a new line of colorful ACE bandages.'" Other than writing, his hobbies include berating the television when the Texas A&M Aggie football team is playing and sleeping as late as possible.
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